Outdoor Workers

Outdoor Workers

Support community and worker power, social connections, and climate awareness, which have been shown to reduce social vulnerability and the health impacts of climate events.: Reduce the heat-island effect, and help workers stay safe with cool infrastructure and recreation facilities.

Plan for walkable, compact, mixed-use neighborhoods with affordable housing choices near transit to reduce paved surfaces and vehicle miles traveled, mitigate the heat-island effect, and keep neighborhoods and workplaces cool.

Workplaces should support worker safety and health during heat events with shade, water, and health-protective practices.

Local governments should get ready by reviewing and improving emergency response plans and systems to warn and protect residents and workers during heat events.

Use natural systems to protect workers by reducing heat-island effects and providing shade.

Reduce the heat-island effect, and help workers stay safe with cool infrastructure and recreation facilities.

When heat events strike, effective and targeted systems should be in place, with special emphasis on protecting outdoor workers.
